
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Buying Things

I have this friend who loves to shop.  She barely has a job, but she loves spending money she needs for things like rent and surviving on things like low quality dresses and make-up sponges in the shape of an egg because they're all the rage and apparently get the done the best even though I don't wear foundation so there's really no need for it in my makeup collection.  I switched tenses there... because the big reveal here is that I'm talking about myself.  I know, who would have thought, right?  This is stupid.

I want to preach about some of the more wonderful things I have purchased in my lifetime of purchasing things.  Some are fancy and splurge-worthy and others are just basic necessities that you made it by just fine living without until you saw it, used it and all of a sudden, you'd die without it. 

1. Netflix.  I know, this sounds crazy.  People don't have Netflix accounts?  I was shocked when I found out, too!  Netflix is seriously one of those things that I would probably die without.  It's up there with water and bread on the "Things I Need To Survive" list.  (My meals are very, very bland.)  Netflix is so cheap and there is a plan where you can just stream!  That's all I do.  Stream.  I want to watch a TV show and bam, there it comes!  Flowing from my computer screen into my brain like a stream of water!  If you want to get DVD's delivered to your door, then you can very well do that.  I don't.  Because I never watch them and always forget to return them.  If you're not sold (idiot), here are three things you can watch on Netflix that might change your mind:  

1. The entire series of "Breaking Bad."  Everyone has been pressuring you to watch it, right?! Me too! 
2. 90's movies that make you nostalgic: "Clueless" "A League of Their Own" "The First Wives Club" "Empire Records" and "Reality Bites."
3.  "Fitzwilly" starring Dick van Dyke, it's just a real delightful movie that probably nobody else will love as much as me.  But you should watch it.

2. A fan.  Just a simple fan.  I bought one that has two fans stacked on top of each other for extra breeze!  Sleeping without a fan is now impossible for me.  It changed my life.  It makes me feel comfortable, temperature-wise, but it also puts me at ease since complete quiet really freaks me out.  A fan is literally perfect... in every way. 

3. Oxfords.  The shoes.  Whether it's a heel, or a flat, you really can't go wrong with an oxford.  They look attractive on men and women.  They make even the most casual outfit look a little more dressed up, and they're not uncomfortable or as pretentious as a dressier shoe.  They are a shoe you can walk around and pretend you're from the 1940's in.  I have several pairs... and my favorite of all is a cheap $30 pair I picked up at T.J. Maxx two years ago.  Cognac leather, slight heel... they made walking in all heels easier for me.  Or as easy as walking in heels can be for someone who has ankles made out of paper mache.  

Now, go buy these things!  And later, I'll tell you all about why you should invest more money in the travel-sized aisle of your local CVS or Target. 

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