
Sunday, September 2, 2012

I've Been Up To Things.

Here's what I've been doing: 

Production: We've been in production for our next mainstage show - the third one this year!  It's been a little bit stressful.  We rehearse all day and most of us teach or do other shows most nights so there have been so many days I've felt significantly unprepared.  I hate feeling unprepared.  It's just been a non-stop few weeks.  My brain doesn't shut off.  I'm in a total "creation" mode that I can't break out of.  That's not always a good thing.  There have been many sleepless nights.  But we're finally winding down and we have got some really great stuff ready for the opening in a few weeks. 

I got a manicure and pedicure with Mary today.  It was long and relaxing and great.  My toenails are kelly green.  It looks like I have plants growing out of my feet! 

I've been wearing leopard print shoes a lot.  And I think they're finally done giving me blisters! Good little shoes. 

I watched "A League of Their Own" and "Sleepless in Seattle" the other day.  Accidentally had a Tom Hanks, Bill Pullman and Rosie O'Donnell marathon.  

I watched the first season of the show "Wilfred" and man!  I couldn't stop "barking" about it... as Trevor liked to put it. 

I'm getting very excited for fall.  I even pulled out my leather jacket to wear for tonight. I just can't wait for layers and a chilly breeze and sleeping in late on Sundays and not feeling like I should be outside doing something. 

I've been randomly drinking a lot.  Too much.  August was a month of celebrations.  Trevor's birthday, Mary's birthday, Evan's last night, Kelly's birthday, a student grad show, Thursday... and I've been doing a lot of stupid things and not remembering them.  I know that they're really NOT that bad (I'm safe, no ankle sprains) but there's really nothing worse than waking up with a guilt hangover and an actual hangover.  My body feels weak and malnourished and dehydrated and my brain feels dumb.  I'm using September as an excuse to get back into gear and stop acting like a god damn 21 year old. 

That's all.

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