
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Last Day of Summer

I don't know, call me crazy, but I just don't care that summer is ending.  This summer was great!  I had a lot of fun.  But, I'm just kind of ready for it to come to an end.  Whatever.
Sunday night, we all went to our favorite local bar, Paddy O's, and celebrated Mary and Kelly's birthday with lots of drinks.  Monday morning, I only woke up a little bit hungover, but very much ready to take a break from drinking.  Mary and I celebrated with breakfast.  I got a grilled cheese (I just can't help it) but Mary got a real breakfast... and I had to eat some of her pancakes.

 Then, we sat on the ol' porch for a while until we took a leap... and finally, FINALLY went on the Codzilla.  I mean, we've seriously been talking about this for TWO years.  It has been Kelly's dream for the longest time.  We walked over to the waterfront, bought tickets (Kelly had a gift card for 4 of us) and we got on board the Cod (which, if you didn't know, is a speed boat that you're supposed to get drenched on.)  

 We didn't get drenched.  And it went fast, but it got old very quickly.  I had fun... because it was just a funny situation.  The acting was so terrible (there were tour guides with scripted material) and the premise was dumb.  The boat only had like four tricks (360 spins, slowly and quickly, stopping short and turning on its side.)  A kid threw up.  And some crazy drunk lady DEMANDED that I give her my phone so she could take a picture of us while the boat was speeding. But... the bits were great. Like Trevor not smiling in the below picture (that WE BOUGHT.)

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