
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Nickname Whore

So, I read a ton of blogs. I love blogs! Bloggity-blog-blog.

Today, I read a post in a blog I’m too embarrassed to share the link to, and it was about connecting with people. And the 3rd tip on it:

3) Give people a nickname. If you think someone will enjoy it, "give people flattering nicknames," says Lowndes. "It makes you memorable and, at its very least, gives you both a smile."

I DO THAT! I nickname people ALL the time! I’ll have to admit right now they’re not always flattering… But! Regardless! It’s how I connect with people. Well, sometimes it’s so that I can A. Remember them or B. talk about them secretly! (Whether good or bad)

Nicknames are fun, though. And it’s fun when people go through your phone address book and see all the weird names. Julia has like 100 nicknames (to go with her multiple personalitieS): Jules, Wolf, Gus, Gussy, Gussy Eskowitz, etc. My nicknames are Patty, Pattycakes, Patty Mayonaise, Pooh Bear (or P. Bear), etc.

When I first saw Matt Gudernatch, I used to refer to him as “babyface”. Then we became friends and he fully embraced his nickname that soon became “BFG”. Then I saw Mike who isn’t even referred to as Mike by nearly anyone anymore because they all call him by his nickname of “TDH” which stands for “tall, dark and handsome” because well, he’s tall… and dark… and handsome.

It’s a fun conversation topic and it makes people more interesting. If Ryan McFarland wasn’t referred to as “Plaid” because of his hipster, plaid shirts – how would anyone understand his hipsterness? And if I never introduced my friend “Ashley” as “Savage” – then nobody would ever say, “I’m sorry, what? Savage?” Savage is her last name, and she’s been that name forever. She was introduced to me in 7th grade as Savage, and that is how she always will be.

I’m glad I’m not just some crazy weirdo. I’m just connecting with people. :)


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