
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

On Being Day Job-Less.

I have been without a day job for a total of three months.  And, to be honest, I haven't done much of anything.  The first couple of weeks were spent in rehearsal, so that was productive and my creative juices were flowing.  But once that stopped, anxiety set in and I felt like a useless sack of Pat-tatoes. (See what I did there!!!)

Then, I kind of got over it.  I have a job.  It's just during weird hours when everyone else is out having fun with their friends.  I teach and I perform and I'm making a decent living doing what I enjoy, and for that I am grateful.  Am I rich?  No.  But I'm happy and fulfilled, and that's more important.

I have given myself the summer to just be.  I don't go out much, so I don't spend a ton of money.  But I have spent my days doing relaxing things like swimming in my friend's pool (that happened twice) and reading a book on the waterfront (I'm re-reading all of the Harry Potter series because WHY THE HELL NOT) and going for long walks along the Waterfront.  I'm tan, I wear less layers, I drink Arizona iced tea out of mason jars... there really isn't much to complain about. 

So, did I make the right choice?  Yes!  Today I hung out with Roberto (he's cute) and Kathryn (she's cute) and ran into MJ (not Jackson) and Rachel (trash bag) and it was delightful to see them.  But, I'm glad we're friends outside of work... because while I miss my former company on a constant basis, I don't miss feeling stuck and sitting in a desk chair all day doing work that I didn't feel great about. 

As I get older, I realize that there is no set formula.  Not all of us are cut out to go to college directly after high school then get a full-time job directly after that.   We're not all walking down the same path. And while I know that I could sit at a desk all day and get a steady paycheck and benefits, I'm excited that I chose to split off and find my own way.  Poor, hungry and fun.

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